“Infant pertaining to a city”


            1. There is a city in the context of Hebrews 11. It is the specific city mentioned in 11:10 and 11:16.

            2. This city is related to the surpassing grace blessing principle for Old Testament saints. In other words. it is related to paragraph SG3.

            3. This city, therefore, mentioned here in the adjective, mentioned in the noun poluj in verses 10 and 16, is a sign of a general but not specific description of the entire paragraph SG3. The city is literal and real in the future but it is more than a city, it represents a lot of peripheral blessings which cannot be described. Remember that when we are talking about paragraph SG3 God does not give us specifics. For the New Testament believer we have the wreaths or the crowns, for the Old Testament believer we have the cities, but these are ways of describing something in terms of great blessing without giving the details.

            4. The details revealed would falsify our motivation in phase two. In order to keep our motivation pure — motivation related to doctrine — we do not know the exact details of our future rewards. The point is that the parents of Moses had so much doctrine in their souls that they were able to identify Moses as God’s man to deliver Israel from slavery. They were able to so that when he was just a baby. This means that they had been spending a lot of time in doctrine and it means they understood Jacob’s great eschatological dissertation in Genesis 49 and Joseph’s famous dissertation about his bones. So they were the supergrace types. There is a principle here: Supergrace believers make the best possible parents.

            5. They also discerned that the preservation of Moses — saving his life from the edict of Pharaoh — was a part of their supergrace function, resulting in their surpassing grace reward.

            6. The parents of Moses are supergrace believers who demonstrated their status by preserving Moses from the edict of Pharaoh Thutmose the first.

            7. For this they will have SG3 blessing and reward in eternity. They have a city.

            8. By means of doctrine resident in their souls both Amran and Jochebed, the supergrace parents of Moses, defied the edict of Pharaoh Thutmose the first because they possessed their paragraph SG2 and they related to their paragraph SG3.

            9. They viewed their son Moses as an infant pertaining to a city. And this isn’t the only place we find this adjective. In the corrected translation of Acts 7:20 we read, “And it was at this time that Moses was born, and he was a child pertaining to a city to the God.”

            10. Just as crowns and/or wreaths are the surpassing grace designation for the royal family of God so the city is designated for surpassing grace reward and blessing for the Old testament saints, specifically for the patriarchs.